Super Mario Red

After 2 years of not playing Super Mario 3d world I decided to play it again. What a big mistake. So the title screen was normal. Nothing scary with it. No blood on the title screen and no scary music. I started a new game. So I went to the first level and everything was normal. The enemies we're the same. The character I picked ( Luigi) wasn't sad or anything , music normal , all the green stars we're in they're places and no enemy acted weird . Now I think your asking " Why are you describing everything ?" Because I want. Anyways after level 1 everything changed. There we're no levels anymore. Was just Luigi standing in a litlle island. The island was full of trees . The music was backwards. When I tried to move Luigi a text box appear: Don't even try. I didn't know what to do. Suddenly I hear a voice.
- Hi there.
- Who is talking ?
- Me..Peter.
- Peter ?
Peter was my old friend who died in a car accident.
- You didn't even come to my last birthday.
- I was busy.
- I don't care. Now you are going to die just like me.
I tried to move but I couldn't
- Don't even try.
From my Tv blood started to come out. After that on my couch with blood was written: Super Mario Red
I don't remember what happened next . I woked up in the hospital. But there we're no doctors or nurses. I got up from my bed and get out of the hospital. The sky was red and all the buildings we're very dark. I started walking and then I hear a voice.
- If you want to escape then play my game.
- What game ?
After I asked that question I teleported to my house.
- Super Mario Red. If you can pass the only level in the game you are free if you don't you are dead.
So I start to play this level. In the level they we're no enemies or music. It was only a forest. At the end of the level Bowser appeared . It was the final boss of the game. When it ended Bowser exploded and well blood of course. In the end I did get back home. The only thing I don't understand is why was the blood hiper-realistic. I guess I will never know.